Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Ve nismecha. Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Ve nismecha. Hava neranena, Hava neranena, Hava neranena, Ve nismecha. Hava neranena, Hava neranena, Hava...
She does not lazy dance her hands on me She does not talk, no pretty talk She pleasures silently But with her, I am summer I warm easy to her heart She fill me full, she fill me full She make me...
Did you know All my reserve was just pretend? Did you know I was only posin' as your friend? Did you know? Did my eyes play on your face too long? Did they say how much I needed you? Did the words I...
Finda, finda the card is quick If you catch the black eye, you catch the trick So make your move, baas, but it could fool you That's paradise here in Gazankulu (Oh yes, ha ha ha) Watch the card, don't...