i watched my mother die she never wanted me anyway and if a bastard i was born then i guess a bastard i will be and everything i've ever loved was taken away from me my girlfriend didn't want to get...
three days she bled, and three days i bathed i use her monthly unborn child to lubricate i am not looking for answers, its not answers that i need just some stupid bitch to f**k who has a few days to...
when its gone... life is meaningless, until its gone but who gives a f**k when its gone? when its gone... you cannot see the end, until its gone there is no more light in your eyes lonely conviction...
we can make the beast with two backs baby, with a heart as black as my love im gonna wrap my anger inside my pain until it shakes the skies above and if we make the beast with two backs baby i can...
my baby, she is so good to me i like to watch her when she bleeds and everything is gonna be alright some day i hold her body close to mine her cold flesh keeps me warm at night necromantic display...
death in a black dress she comes to me brings the darkest sunsets that i have ever seen im down on my knees and eager to please so tenderly my lady death, she comes unto me come under me