a few meters away in a palace of the Croisette We find Val Kahl... --- for an exclusive interview All these hysterical cries for the celebrity we're going to interview Then a small idea? He...
It's the time when PSY was 3 years old. Isn't he cute? Wait, it that a grassplot on the back? Besides, There is a grand piano, too! Did you film an advertisement at that time? (Looks...
CEZA – TURKISH MARCH Either come one step forward go one step back or leave it to me, what a beat this is, One day you’re king, one day you’re here next day you aren’t, and sometimes full what a day...
Who are the people at Gezi Park? We will not be deterred by a few plunderers that go to that square and provoke our people through disinformation. I am a housewife. I am part of the youth, the women...