Act 1: The Argosy on the Eldritch Sea The Antediluvian Oracle: And so it was written, that rage would carry him like a howling wind, leaving only frozen corpses, their bones rattling in hollow armour,...
ALTARUS: Gaze deep into the mists with your spirit-eyes, Xerxes... look far, and tell me what you see. XERXES: I see a land far to the north... a vast empire of dark endless moors and snow- crowned...
(Sagas from the antediluvian Scrolls) Black winds whispering 'cross the fens, In eldritch coils (jewelled and gleaming) spires entwined Enraptured by the moon's sweet spells, 'gainst the skies of...
The contemplations of Joachim Blokk: As my sword drips black now with the unclean blood of another slain fiend, it occurs to me that history will most probably record me a fanatic... as for more years...
The Words of the Forest-King on the Eve of the Nexus: I am the immortal King of the Deep Woods, Servitor of the Old Gods of the Forest... I hear the whispered words of the trees... Such ancient...
[Chapter 1: The Voyage of the Sorcerer] The war between the Imperium and the allied Vyrgothian Kingdoms had raged for years. Beginning as minor disputes over border territories, the conflict had...
(The Legend Of The Battle Of Blackhelm Vale) THE CHRONICLES OF WAR: ??? THE WAR TESTAMENT OF CAYLEN-TOR (ON THE NIGHT OF THE BLOODYING OF SWORDS): O' grim gods of battle, empower us this night......
Ruminations from the Six Pyramids of Cydonia: This red charnel pit of primal horror, howling black ecstasies to the void. Ancient and divine, older than the hidden Icosahedron, now rebirthed beyond...
(THE ANTEDILUVIAN ORACLE:) Behold glorious Hyperborea, gleaming jewel of the north; an eon-veiled kingdom forever steeped in ancient legendry and the renown of its martial splendour... but of late, an...
(THE ANTEDILUVIAN ORACLE:) Behold glorious Hyperborea, gleaming jewel of the north; an eon-veiled kingdom forever steeped in ancient legendry and the renown of its martial splendour... but of late, an...