The only thing right in front of your face grab on and dont let it no matter what, dont let it go to waste ur all i have all i need whatever we go thru we go thru as one, as a pair as together, me and...



Ur a fake little angel i learned that much is true whenever u try to solve something to make things go better and the world has to be at ur heels i want you to know, i fall for it every single time ur...
Bless you the forgiven, for you have tried with all ur might to get me thru into the darkness of the night and i scream as an action of unwanted but you insisted and could care less what i want but in...
I've been to the Jupiter side of this planet i wasnt even planning on it for it to turn so perfect so sweet for me to find you here and everytime i said good bye never wondered why i didnt try pushing...

