Oh my god What have I done Chasing some mirage in my Mojave sun Don't say every chance is lost, Please don't say anything at all In sand and thorns I'm walking forth Bare and blinking as the day that...
Fell asleep with a cigarette To the flicker of a TV set No one saw you wave your white flag No one saw your family photo album Never saw your family photo album Fought some battles and we lost the war...
Augustine What a formidable time warp I am 1926 all over again Sprawled out along the dandelion fields And red coppery tracks to the wrecking yard You say these knees grow weak I am a harbour begging...



Sad song Ding dishes - Augustine. Cross discussions - Sir, the soup? - Meeting my friends. They will advise you. - You can see when? - Madam? - I am delighted you lost. Maybe it will calm down. - What...

