Annwyn. beneath the waves

O my dear brother I am damnified at Caer Siddi For mine husband hath this twelfmonth treated me with cruelty Albe to please thee I didst cheerfully accept his proffred hand I was ne'er wary he was...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Faith_And_The_Muse",song: "Rise And Forget",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Faith_And_The_Muse",song: "The Hand Of Man",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
Hear me my beloved; I beckon thee through waves of dream and in mine Ears a voice whispers oceans of light and in thine eyes alone begins This journey of mine; is this love? Thou art Love; thou art...
And if I'd the spell to claim your existence Your clandestine thoughts; your soul's soft persistence I'd follow the mirror aglow with your image Your water-grave eyes, and your lingering fragrance But...
Beneath the sediment of aeons In ancient repose My trust lay eroded by age The old glory faded And past times forgotten My reign given way to my rage Harmonious the centuries The land and I were one...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Faith_And_The_Muse",song: "The Silver Circle",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
Here, thoughts cling airborne To a sea of voice so glorious; mesmerizing This is my body; this is my inner mind What lies beneath my eyes Discarded years of elemental faith Beckoned to a watery...
There was a gentle angler who was angling in the sea With heart as cold as only heart untaught of love can be When suddenly the waters rushed and swelled and up there sprang A humid maid of beauty's...
Low ye hills in ocean lie (Hob y derri dando) Hide not Meirion from my eye (Hob y derri dando) Still one view, oh let me take (Down derri down) Ere my longing heart do break (Down down hie derri down)...