I didn't want to tell you you were wrong I never wanted to see you complicate things on your own It's too late to last now You can cast your stones But there ain't that much to say My dearest friend,...
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Listen I don't think you know, what you mean to me. I'm sorry If I don't tell you how lovely, you look in the morning after you wake. Before you leave when you come and hug me....



Lately I've been thinking about what I can do I've been stressing to fall back in love with you I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through But I can't go on this way. I've got to stop it babe You've...



Our love lasted forever But forevers come and go And I'll stop loving you never I just wanted to let you know Our love was never-ending But our love somehow died We lived on angels' wings But even...
I want you to know that, despite what you might read at times in the newspapers or see on the television news, we have actually been getting a lot of things done the last several months, the...
Take a breath Take it slow I just want you to know That what we said on the phone was the truth of it all So now I asked you please to come to this place where I can freely open my heart to you I want...
I want you to know that I don't have any right, Malawi has no right to stop any president from coming to an African Union summit because that is an African Union meeting.
But I want you to know that what I'm doing here I'm doing as a ballplayer, a major league ballplayer.



I want you to know what I have told Australia's Parliament in Canberra - what I told General Petraeus in Kabul - what I told President Obama in the Oval Office this week. Australia will stand firm...