Amanda eliasch

In real life you are doomed if you believe in youth and money, but not here in Hollywood. Nothing is what it seems.
My mother was an opera singer and my grandmother a concert pianist, and they only liked classical music. If I put on a pop record, they would tell me to turn it off, so I only listen to classical.
I'm learning to deal with my loneliness because then nobody can muck me around any more.
Everything is for sale in Hollywood; the fairy tale, the costume, the pumpkin, the footman and the mice.
My marriage started to go badly wrong after I had my second son.
Tinseltown is eerily silent when The Oscars, The Emmys and The Grammys, The Sag Awards, and The Golden Globes aren't in full swing.
In L.A., you seem to meet only one sort of person.
Sometimes I think I've been too honest, and other times, too explicit.