Alison krauss

Lyrics are kind of the whole thing; it's the message. Something might have a beautiful melody but if it's not the truth coming out of your mouth, it's not appealing.
Some things feel really good to sing: there's a physical aspect, but there's more to it - a deeper place you go to.
Oh Mr.Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine.
I don't go there much. You're thrilled that people would recognize what you're doing in such a grand kind of way. But, just like you don't know if anybody's really going to like what you're doing when...
It's not that I have resisted songwriting, it's just not something I felt I have had to do. I've just not woken up and thought, I must do this. But I have often heard music that I have instantly felt...
I never had any big dreams about doing something on a huge scale.
My parents made us do everything, try everything.
Growing up I used to love bands like Free and ELO and the Rolling Stones. When Robert Plant got in touch it made perfect sense to me.
If you don't know what makes green, you're going to try every color combination.