I'm mad in the front of my mind, but business-minded in the back.
Youth culture now really looks back and embraces the past, but keeps it contemporary but not sticking to one particular style.
Some couture collections have everything including the kitchen sink! Everything gets thrown on to make it look expensive. I find it grotesque when clothes hit you in the face and there's no room for...
You can hide so much behind theatrics, and I don't need to do that any more.
It's usually only the intellectual ones who understand what's going on in what I do.
The turnover of fashion is just so quick and so throwaway, and I think that is a big part of the problem. There is no longevity.
It's not my vision when I cover a woman's face with a chador. I got the idea from a 'National Geographic' photo. I'm just showing their plight in the world.