Half a year without having sex - is that easy when you are... 25? The winner of Eurovision 2009 Alexander Rybak is complaining that he sees his beloved very rare, and it's not even because of...
Alexander Rybak tells why he left stage on the Norwegian Embassy in Baku the 17th of May. AR: I couldn't sing Fairytale, because that was supposed to be a part of a medley, where I had to...
PS: Hallo Eurovision.tv. Ich möchte Ihnen vorstellen... den großartigen, den schönen, den talentiertesten …Alexander Rybak. Wir gehen mal hin und schauen, wie es ihm geht. PS: Hallo AR: Ich bin hier...
R: Finally done – how was it? A: Oh no, there are so many impacts – first of all I am very satisfied… I have a kind of justice feeling: "Yes now I have rehearsed and now luckily everything...
H: The singer Alexander Rybak got into a mental hospital. H: The famous singer Alexander Rybak hasn't slept quietly the last two years. He says that the cause of his mental problems is a fan....