Isberlin edited 1+ month ago
I dream about having a beautiful, fun and crazy teenage. I was a sweet and caring girl who had a lot of dreams, but everything every dream i had went down the moment i lost the first person that i...
Isberlin edited 1+ month ago
Pale lips bags under my eyes alone after midnight too numb to cry, No friends at least i can pretend that everyone loves me except that's a lie, What happend when i die, Will peopletake their time...
Isberlin edited 1+ month ago
Wish i could tell you how i felt, I've never met someone who cared, And all my feelings have been bottled and it's just not okay so i just wanna say, It's everything about you your smile, your voice,...
Isberlin liked 1+ month ago
explaining my depression to my mother (a conversation) mom, my depression is a shape shifter. one day it is as small as a firefly in the palm of a bear, the next it’s the bear. on those days i play...



Isberlin edited 1+ month ago
i've nevet met a boy who like me for me, Guess that i'm stupid for not letting him see, It's always about you and never about me, Told you that i'm insecure but you don't care to think, So let me take...