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kelsey grammer and camille grammar are divorcing okayed the reason why did the right thing
is because kelsey grammer had a show on broadway
while he was flying to new york uh... out of l_a_ he fell in love with the flight attendant
uh... her name is kate walsh and now he plans on divorcing camille so he can mary-kate
now during you know the divorce proceedings act kelsey grammer agreed to give camille
grammar thirty thousand dollars they do not have a pre-nuptial agreement
thirty million
all when i say
thirty thousand dollars jobs
headlines are about thirty thousand dollars run
analyzing wildlife
unsigned perry million dollars
so commute camera look at that amount and lack shes like nina
fifty million dollars and so now you know they're duking it out over this money and
i think it act
of course the question of whether or not she deserves the fifteen fifty million dollars
uh... is an interesting conversation to have but what i find even more interesting is a
fact that he plans on marrying this woman kate walsh
he does not plan on getting a pre-nuptial agreement
well swung so many different ways
did he
low during the flight
okay but
how good was she sits right now
that's in the says sells decline don
uh... say lol
i was told has signed the divorce
thirteen million isn't enough dawn this is somebody like
who's married worked well
denied it the people nato the light again uh... twenty-eight great kids
views are a huge stars will align labored thirteen years
and slide she remarried
who's made famous in making a ton of money et cetera brighton
thirty million dollars is not enough
for easy p
two million dollars
but you know i think the only thing that camille has on our side is luck thirteen years of
marriage i don't think it's a joke i think that's a pretty uh... long-time especially
in celebrity standards
and another thing to take into consideration is uh... camille married him when he had an
alcohol problem and she claims that she helped in uh... basically find sobriety game cake
is alcohol addiction i don't know if you yeah i don't know if that's true that's what she's
claiming sonya in
it's true care okay
he because allow wives popular husbands with alcohol
and some house has not arrived they don't get paid an extra twenty million dollars for
right okay
edcula at thirty years a long time here you had a celebrity has a slight ninety six years
of marriage
i'm doing i watch you didn't know how long she will get a gigantic enna all i'm saying
is that don't see the need for that an extra twenty million dollars his nanny *** he
lost the anyway because the common sign that read over the next one so that i thought screw
he he he has a comment
you know disaster and the signs you know kelsey grammer
also uh...
major concern
always me
vargas is awesome camacho three outside skills herbicide ken walsh will be his fourth wife
so that's a great example of his family values
the all
wise favorite cleaners that
less money contributed color-coded
tank people don't know this about me but i mean underground paper
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