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so poll-driven goes to work georgetown university and yesterday inductors
letter first uh... from the uh... from uh... from georgetown
aside by them
the uh...
students who invited him and professors and okra and one of the uh... uh...
and a bishop george carcinogens in schools or some variant of capitalism
notre dame tu leading catholic uh... schools in the country
however they say were wonderful to have you come we're glad you're coming
however we would be remiss in our duty to you and our student if we did not
challenger continuing misuse of catholic teaching
to defend a budget plan that doesn't exclude programs
for struggling families radically weakens protections for the elderly and
sixteen second gives uh... more tax breaks to the wealthiest few in short
your budget if used appears to reflect the views your favorite philosopher
and ran rather than the gospel of jesus christ
her called selfishness and her antagonism toward religion at the
federal government is of compassion and wealth
so paul ryan has a uh... hit back
and among the things that he has hit back with was uh...
for saying that uh...
uh... he's been criticized by the uh... a catholic uh... we bishops
any point out that that he did not speak for all catholics
does the person conference of bishops keith
the first thing he says they don't speak for all bush except
no they did was literally their jets but they they are teleconferences vision
right but nonetheless the issue is this uh... i thought that he cares for the
that his
that his driving political influences of the files of some or anything else
except the writings of and
uh... to which paul ryan has said very clearly now is this uh... fights back
arctic oracle the national review that no no not not not all uh... in fact
uh... blindfolded wrote that uh...
these writings ran related slams
according to ryan are inaccurate part an effort on the left to pain hit to paint
him as a cold-hearted object to this
because that's our way political philosophy by the way the paid someone
is a cold-hearted objectives it resonates with americans they know
instantly way designates a bumper stickers evidence to convict him
and ryan says here i reject her philosophy
uh... speedy of iran because it's an atheist philosophy says it reduces human
interactions down to new york i've done in their contracts antithetical to my
worldview he objects to the fact that diagrams nada
was not religious
but it's the
teachings that i thought we note the teachings on objective isn't
that had been the focus of ryan's love
uh... four ran at her sense of essentially to break it down and i'm not
an expert on ur but pretty much
philadelphia shelf
yep that's how this works
the look out for anybody else but we got for the greater community take care of
your own need your own pleasures and that system will work best for
so ryan says that he was not that he's not a disciple of either
but it's gonna be tough for him to explain and so uh... first let's go to
uh... uh... of what we know will skip report we told you that that that kid is
about the
that could be a difference of opinion among catholics
here's up alright in two thousand nondescript
and dancer let me read only even angry now metaphorically speaking
but more than a point is this
the issue that is under assault the attack on democratic capitalism on
individualism and freedom in america
is an attack on the moral foundation of america
in iran more than anyone else that fantastic job of explaining the morality
of capitalism the morality of individuals
envious to me is what matters most
is the morality of what is occurring right now and how it offends the
morality of individuals working for their own free will to produce to
achieve sexy
based on their tech it's back but i think and you can't really ham
unsleeping bread means nothing
you don't have to do nothing and and you know he's talking on moral of this
marvelous some other something in catholic teaching cults obsidian that
the pope talks about
which is when higher forms of of uh... a forty governments
help those in need
and and of course brian being the practicing about catholic
uh... it in in his policies when you read his budget it
does the opposite it takes away from the subsidy and that the government for
requiring two dvd's he says they should only that that that that that that term
is only relevant
unlike the most local level
like that maybe the person sort of running-backs the alderman
could look out for a couple people in his district but beyond that i think
that exhibit is a state governments right exactly shouldn't be the state
really tell the government of the state government
god forbid there should be the time i tried to run for federal office you have
relinquish your obligation to help you to help anyway but i think that it had