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Hello and welcome to Starting video Club!
If you want to start using video but you still dont know how
then Starting Video Club is a good place for you.
I'll show you a simple way to get started with video.
Allow me to introduce myself
My name is Nikola Bujukliev
I am video marketing coach and I like video lifestyle
In this video I'll show you how to set up your Youtube channel
I know some of you have already done this
but this video will be useful
in case you have not already set up your youtube channel
So, let's get started!
If you already have a gmail email address
it will be very easy.
You might not know that you can sign in to Youtube channel
using the same data as you log into your Gmail account
Why? Well, because Google owns Youtube!
So go to Youtube.com
On the top right corner
click the sign in button.
Now on this page
if you already have your Gmail account
then simply log in.
If not, then in the top right corner
has a button that says Create an account.
Click on this button.
On this page
you can set up your Youtube account.
When you have entered all data
you will see a page like this.
Here you have the option
to add a profile picture but dont worry about it.
You can skip this step and add a photo later.
I'll show you how to do it
in one of the following videos.
On this page you can simply
click on the Back to Youtube.
And now you can click Get started
We are now in Youtube home page.
In the top right corner
if you click on the drop down arrow.
You can now click on your channel.
When you enter into your Youtube channel
for the first time
you have the option to appear with the full name
which is linked to a Google + profile.
or to choose a business name
or another name
In this case
I will choose a business name.
I'll check availability
Ok, username is available
Ok, I am ready to continue
Name of channel depends entirely
on your personal marketing strategy.
It depends on how you want to brand your self
I want this to appear like
Video Springboard
We are on the channel home page
Channel currently does not look very nice
but you need to add some things.
But great!
you've done the first step
you're set up your Youtube channel.
If you like this video
Do subscribe to my channel Starting video
to know whenever you can see
other videos on this topic.
See you in the next video.
Thanks for watching!