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\f0\fs20 \cf0 \ Enameled coins are some of the most beautiful
in the industry, and the Silvertowne enameling process is as unique as the coins themselves!
\ \
Our enameled coins are made in America and hand-painted by one of several skilled artists.
With many years of experience under their belt, our enameling artists bring a steady
hand and incredible attention to detail to each project. The first step in the process
is to heat the coins in an oven to 140 degrees. Each color to be used on the coin is then
prepared as a 2 part epoxy, hand mixed by the artist and matched to a pantone color
chart. Each color is then measured on a gram scale to ensure proper consistency.\
\ The colors are then applied one-by-one to
each individual coin using a syringe needle and a small air compressor. The amount of
paint flowing through the syringe is controlled with varying sizes of tips that each artist
can choose from. The density of each color application is managed by a foot pedal which
controls the air flow through the syringe. Three types of additives can be added to each
individual color to help control the thickness of the paint. Between each color, the coins
are once again baked to allow the most recent color to dry prior to the application of the
next color. \ \
The full range of pantone colors are available for the artist to choose from maximizing the
color combination possibilities. Special effects like glitter and glow in the dark can also
be added. Depending on the die used to stamp the coin, one of two types of painting methods
are used. One technique called color fill is where the paint is applied to the recessed
areas of the coin design creating a pooling effect. The other technique called the model
method is more detailed with the paint being applied to the raised parts of the coin. In
addition, the artist is not limited to the front side of the coin only, the back can
be enameled as well. Great care is taken by the artist to prevent touching the syringe
to the coin, as some softer metals like silver can be sensitive to scratching. \
\ With so many colors and coin designs to choose
from in bronze, nickel-silver, copper, and of course fine silver, the possibilities are
endless!\ }