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what is please give all that and and i'm curious about this but after having seen
well that that should give you a little head to store the controversy will be if
you don't know what it's about uh... g drift off
yeah while we're gonna disagree without this was to be alive
it's from nicole love holla senator i'm sure a mispronouncing her name which
year also did a movie
conference with money false oath katherine keener
another film that i enjoyed very much to do a preview of i'd felt about please
give it's a story of a katherine keener and uh... all of ur platter a married
couple and they uh...
they sell lots furniture
that they've by from the kids of the elderly new yorkers who died
they buy it from the kids who have no clue
what it costs are what it's worth they buy it cheap
they know what it's worth they sell it for a lot
here's the trip
being hungry weekly if you like this
m waiting for table
ravishing she comes from a tad
probably jump
has the discrimination
regarding the children of dead people
has your grandmother
bill is really liking
is she gave me a hero sure that's fine apartment has
that's losing out on saturday with the kids live there properly
gain weight
for britain to cover this live whatever bikaner
make a wish
all right now i'm kind of the militants although my radio due to previous
already is kind of high amit insult and calm down i actually like the movie
let's try it very hard
america outfit
but i'd like you don't was moving days away years ago so in a lie was it was
toward by the movie is almost slightly confused
so let's start with mapping the case begins the movie will go to bed majors
for yeah prettier high did not like larry at all
you know and
let me start off by saying that the same leader is eighty-something low eight
right certified fresh so i'm in the minority something in this new york
right over my head attn i didn't like it quite night found that
really was uninterested and katherine keener character didn't
by the she was really feeling that guilty
you ship it seems to me the story about her feet she feels very guilty about
what she does about
initiate wonder if you know she start to think
fishy feeling guilty about taking advantage of people they're trying to
justin but the whole conceived by just didn't
you know i let me go further than it's is as your is even though the more on
your side
i don't know what the movie was about like it was a theme of the movies let me
ask that that way
okay i mean i get the plot was a feat but i think the theme is about sort of
conflict about sort of who you maj in yourself to be and who you really are
about conflicts for an internal conflict out of the strongest guilt
as it was choose conflicted about who she was you know you saw on the trailer
there i left out in the description because it could have gone on and on
also conflicted about her relationship with her daughter who has i thought
wonderfully you know for a change
range that seemed like a real teenager full of temples and slightly overweight
but still wants to buy the two hundred dollar jeans
and uh... her husband also overweight but loves his wife very charming except
wants to have sex with them and if he comes in it
and then rebel i hold yes and then rebecca hall
plame edit pizza sister really the other lead in the movie
uh... they live next door katherine keener and and all of our planet bought
that apartment and they're waiting for rebecca hall and amanda peet grandmother
they could writing their partner and use on that i i i want to get in here try to
give money to what you perceive to be a homeless guys just a black eye with a
beard which for table restaurant grozny's always given money away to sort
of make up for the conflict she feels about taking advantage no but i'm not
sure that was driving anywhere that would you gather more what you like it
i thought those were incredibly real people i think katherine keener is
exceptionally gifted actress one of the top ten actresses working today and i
think she's
which is the lead actress i think when she's a supporting player
her characters well she still terrific butter characters frequently become
ago there's nothing here being catherine funeral
when she leaves and she certainly shares the lead herewith rebecca hall
and she's excl
i thought there was sort of the internal struggle of sort of wondering sort of
uh... who you are being conflicted about your own priorities
because they were moments when she was admittedly like
no kept he just can't we put a pillow overhead cagey dine out so we can begin
to expand our apartment so we can knock down the wall and have a better bedroom
and then i thought legitimately
wants to give money away to sort of
get at peace with herself in
mall movie those are small conflicts with those of the dot accomplished that
i had a nice guy spite
just didn't feel the canadian a fight with her all it
you know the probably that is the guilt that she seems to have a conflict
you know at first of all
on a certain level you know maybe this is eight lack of sympathy on my part but
you know nobody's holding a gun to the
burried head
you know to sell their furniture not more than one occasion you see people
that they're buying furniture from tuesday
eyes when i get rid of the all ok so what's wrong with making money like here
yeah yeah here's what i will complain about that the furniture business there
which is that uh...
who's buying this crap a defect that it's fashionable and and drives well is
it that the other problem is the thing is no we don't like i can tell
difference between this amazing how he does i mean this was the governor's but
i have a summer have a great is that i felt like
almost every female character was some iteration of
mccall hollister
right it's it's her as a mop or throws a daughter having problems with her mom or
it's her as that younger girl dealing with the depth of an obnoxious
relative right i felt like they were all day
shaded versions of herself at some point at her like any other syrup
is i thought that the two male characters
you know at this will sound a little wierd because you can only hear the
stupid enough to knock her characters i felt like the two male characters had no
depth at all act
my thought that in out
okay so is is the husband supposed to be kind of a ove
you know you're never given any
realistic notification motivations for
you know the possible affair except for
that amanda peters hots however solo mandolin seriously life if you're going
to talk about real characters i felt he was not a real character really at all
because you get items that i felt like there was nothing to drive him into that
at the end the boyfriend that rebecca hall gets i thought was really
how do you know if you have an open book i felt like there was nothing there in
israel he is that's the guy that you don't like absurd
he consider what his early ones on the second date is
talking about
you know opens rebecca as the
as that technician runs the mammogram issued all that has been a great job she
gets to play with *** all day
yeah i thought that that is such
the way that
you know woman may think 'em and they think about that job right i think i
thought he was just trying to do himself to her i didn't i didn't like his
character but he was indicted finds all that port aren't so here's what i am in
between you guys but i am so you know my irish bull rating after having listened
to your mini debate on it
because look at would ban on the characters out of the characters are
great arthur katherine keener was fantastic
and it led me to believe yes he's deftly
maybe the reinforces she's most upset actresses and in the business and she
was different than she is in other roles and i really liked her and that i
thought all the plants character was totally interest if you had a boyfriend
was nothing but all reply i thought was fantastic
but the power the movie is that
it there's no mystery like there's no again will be needs to drive you a
little bit so you don't get i wanted board because i was aboard but there was
a little slow because
it was the there was nothing like what what's going to happen around the corner
so update of the effort that was really missing
but at the same time at really enjoy the complex i enjoy the characters
and and it's all right for me like i came out of this you know how much i
hated greenberg right enough it happens that movie in this movie elving much
happens but the difference is they built characters that were interesting
accomplice or interesting verses greenberg one rough
uh... and build nothing i think torturing
or some iranian and is a simplified pretty hot
but doesn't like this morning greenberg i probably made inflated by greenberg
rating cuz you to worship boat there's a dispute may be like greenberg that i
thought if i thought
uh... i like the oliver platt very much and i thought that was a totally cracked
and he's a good guy in a
belly good guy
was for dinner
directions that he did
certainly wasn't comfortable with himself
uh... and i i lie i love the fact that the
admission by both a medicaid medicare salim
rebecca all that they're ninety one-year-old grandmother who raised
is from both the specially after the tragedy in their lives
with a ***
uh... and they their frankness about that i thought you know and you and i
disagree on this often jack or not often but sometimes and sometimes you're with
things up
i don't need anything that happened as one of those characters develop that i
care about the story which you obviously think that
need to have some wrap it around the court and i sorta like it
we don't really get the impression that okay tomorrow tuesday and these people
who we just met are going to have it
so yeah i love you you know
i get a b_-plus switch
did my now revamp a rating system which i have to jackets i gave it a at a point
okay yeah i i was much lower act you know i can handle slice a library where
nothing happens
but not sure i want to watch it dot
upper middle class white people in the village feeling guilty about what they
do like that's not interested
catapulted into the right side you know me well across town
precious is going to have but that's the more interesting stories missus byrd
high coffee user breath all honestly i did he sees his weight is just ahead on
early though that i felt it was what may be able to sit through this was the
acting ability by the characters
everybody act i thought the cast was fantastic and i thought you know the
movies decently shot adjust
the store and matter to me the conference didn't matter to me
if it's going to slice life about that kind of angst
they can at least funnier i didn't find it that's funny and so i do have three
right on that some planted significantly better than precious but but better than
precious which had a very effectively
alright sabha of final averages about a six point two
i think that if you were enormously this comes as you walk away with about a six
point yeah i've got a way that i will admit that i'm definitely in the
minority like i said it's eighty one percent of its radar readers sato
sequencing and for what it's worth