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\f0\fs24 \cf0 >> LINDSEY POOLE: Hi, today Im going to do a Leona Lewis makeup look.
She was on X Factor last weekend and she had a very striking glittery silver eye with a
black flick liner. So Ive already done my foundation so Im going to go straight onto
my eyes and my eyebrows. Im just going to fill my eyebrows in with a matte brown eyeshadow.\
\ Okay, eyebrows on. Now Im going to go on to
the eye make-up. Im going to start my eye make-up by putting a base so we\'92re going
to apply this all over the eye area up to the eyebrow. \
\ So starting at the lash line and just blending
upwards, its just going to create a nice highlight and a good base for all the eyeshadow and
the glitter that were going to put on. \ \
Next were going to get a brown eyeshadow and we\'92re just going to contour along the socket
line there. So I\'92m just going to get a bit of brown eyeshadow and put it just in
the socket line. \ \
So you start from the outer edge of your eye, blending towards the nose right across. \
Im also going to take a little bit of that eyeshadow underneath the eye as well so just
with a smaller brush just amongst the lash line. \
\ Im going to take some of the black gel liner
and Im going to first start near the corner of the eye and just work my way out and do
a little flick at the end. Just with little strokes, resting the brush almost on top of
the eye lashes, working your way out, starting off thin and then you can really thicken it
up. \ \
For this look, Leona had quite thick defined liner. The thickness of your liner depends
on the size and shape of your eye so if youve got a smaller eye you may want to do a slightly
thinner liner and if youve got a slightly larger eye, you can go a bit thicker. \
Once youre happy with the shape there, youre going to go onto the fun bit \'96 the glitter.
\ \
So the glitter Im using is Collection 2000. Its a glitter eyeliner actually as its much
easier than the loose glitters you can get which can just end up going all over the place.
So starting where the eyeliner is, just above, bring it up to create a full-on glittery eye.
\ \
Next Im going to apply some black mascara before I apply the fake lashes. \
\ Now Im going to apply a little bit of loose
powder to get rid of any of the shine and go onto blusher. So under the eyes, paying
particular attention to the t-zone area, which is where most people get shiny. \
\ Im just going to contour a little bit to try
and create that \'91Leona Lewis\'92 cheekbone. To freshen the look up a little bit, Im going
to add some peachy blusher just onto the apples of the cheeks.\
\ Keeping it all quite natural as the emphasis
of this look is on the eyes. Then a pinky pale lipgloss on top. \
\ And there you have it. The Leona Lewis look.\
\ www.reveal.co.uk}