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\ What's up people this is Haley with another
episode of Twit Tippin' Tuesdays. \ \
I recently read a super good article on Social Media Examiner about Twitter and local customers.
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In this article by Charlene Kingston, she talks about 5 different ways to use Twitter
to connect with local customers.\ \
First, is how to find local people using tweets near you. You can do this by narrowing the
results on your Twitter search to show only tweets posted near your location. \
\ Second, is finding local people with your
city name in their profile. All you have to do is search through profiles to find people
who list your city. Just search for your city then click the people tab.\
\ Third, you can find local people with Twitter
advanced search. This feature lets you add geography to your search. So you can search
within a certain distance of your city or location.\
\ Fourth, use Twitter grader to find local people.
Twitter grader lists the top 50 people in each city as the Twitter elite by evaluating
their effectiveness on Twitter and calculating grades accordingly. \
\ The fifth and final way to find local people
is to use Twellowhood. Twello is a public directory and allows you to find users by
location. It's pretty much the Yellow pages for Twitter. Be sure to Check out Jody Underhill's
episode of Twit Tippin about how to use Twello.\ \
So those 5 different ways to use Twitter to find local customers, compliments of Charlene
Kingston from the Social Media Examiner. Check out Social Media Exmainer.com to read the
full article.\ \
This has been another delightful episode of Twit Tippin. I'm Haley. And I'm out. Tweace!\
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