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\f0\fs24 \cf0 This is the Austin AIr Healthmate. As you can see it's not too big of a unit
and it comes on casters so it's really easy to move around. Now what really sets Austin
Air apart is their filtration system. They use over 60 feet of medical grade HEPA material
as well as 15 lbs of carbon in their filter. Now that carbon is what's used to really aide
in absorbing odors and any minor VOC's you might have in your home. Now the Austin Air
Healthmate Plus, it's identical in appearance. The only difference is in the filtration system.
With the carbon, it's also got potassium iodide and that's really what's used to aid in absorbing
major chemicals or any major VOC's you might have in your home that could come from building
supplies or even cleaning agents. Now the Austin Air, it's really simple to use, all
you do is plug into a standard outlet and it's got this *** here that's gonna let you
set the three different fan speeds. So if you're looking for a machine that is really
gonna help in aiding against asthma irritants, allergens, that sort of thing the Healthmate
could be the machine for you. Now if you need all of that as well as any sort of chemical
absorption, definitely take a look at the Healthmate Plus. }