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Air sterilizers and purifiers help minimize the amount of dust, germs and general bad
stuff we inhale on a day-to-day basis. However,... if poorly maintained, they can
actually make the air even worse. But all is not lost,... as local scientists
say they′ve worked out a way to make the maintenance process much easier.
Kim Hyun-bin reports. This is an air sterilizer installed in an
elementary school classroom. The filter is full of all sorts of dust and
germ particles. It′s a problem that schools, hospitals and
a whole host of public facilities are faced with.
If the filter is not maintained, the germs will multiply at a rapid rate.
But a group of international scientists, including Korean experts, has developed a specialized
air filter that aims to make the process easier. The key is its silver nanotechnology that
coats the filter′s surface, sterilizing and killing E. Coli and other germs that can
cause health problems. The effect can be seen through a microscope.
"The nanotechnology is similar in size to the bacteria and as soon as contact is made,...
the germs are ripped apart." To test the filter,... researchers blew in
the germs at a speed of 2 meters per second,... but the nanotechnology wouldn′t budge.
"Even with the A/C on full blast, the filter continued doing its job,... killing all the
germs that passed through." Germs can lead to any number of diseases,
but this breakthrough is increasing hopes that their spread can be mitigated.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.