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Hi! My name is Richard Rivas, co-owner of Black Jungle Terrarium Supply and today I
am here on behalf of expertvillage.com to discuss the proper way of raising your poison
dart frogs from the egg through the tadpole stage. Once the tadpoles have been placed
into the bin, the next step is to label them. Using a piece of maskin tape we then write
out the species name and the date they hatched
and apply that to the container. We also write the number of tadpoles in the container. Here at Black Jungle we actually raise virtually
all of our Dendrobates communally. Even though they are cannibalistic or can be cannibalistic,
we have found that they do much better in larger volumes of water instead of doing them
in individual cups and as long as they are well fed, losses are definitely kept to a
minimum. Usually any losses that we do experience come from weak tadpoles that are just not
developing normally any way. Rarely do we ever have any instances of missing toes or
legs or anything like that. As long as they are well cared for, they seem to do just fine.
The only species that we do keep individually are some of the thumbnail species. In this
instance here, we have a Dendrobates Reticulatus. These guys we typically do just keep in the
32 ounce insect culturing containers. All of them are kept individually just to avoid
any potential losses mostly because of the fact that their breeding is far more limited
than the larger Dendrobates species.