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let's move on to a couple of other things at the obon the songs better
being signed in schools let me play these for you these are songs that have
been put together by different schools
something very creepy or perverted about the science me i i'm i really don't like
this at all and these are signs that not only are they positive in the idea of
duit kids doing what they want to do in making their country better
but they're there specifically being
taught twp include brock obama's name in the songs might play a couple of these
happy poker and then here's another example from another elementary school
note tomorrow
is that
came in
have like reach
not lag
behind it there
it's great that is what to make america better
but there's something about including brock obama's name in the songs that i
don't like uh... i find this to be creepy i think if this were turned
around and george w_ bush was president
you know that there would be absolute outrage of kids were singing songs about
george w_ bush
i don't like this at all in this looks like you know obama colt idiotic almost
as it's getting to that point where feels almost cultists and to me there's
something really creepy about it that makes me feel like somebody involved in
should be in those n_b_c_ dateline
child predator stings hundreds of years we're going to be shut
were doing a story of mohammed bills for revenge
remember a forty-year-old alonso wade he brought a case of had gone to meet
oppression he thought was fifty project
i'm not saying as neil bortz that on the radio that there's some connection
between *** and the brac obama administration i'm not saying that
what i'm saying is that something about having these kids sing these songs these
kids they don't know
about politics
they might here who their parent voted for but it just doesn't make sense i
don't think that this is ok
i think it's not great fine to talk about working hard and prove in your
not to be singing about a president when you don't even understand this is
similar to advertising directed at children
which we've talked about on the show research shows that kids up until there
are no what age
don't realize that advertising is trying to be
info that it's trying to convince them of something
and therefore it's inherently deceptive and to have
if you sing songs about kit about of bomber in the same way that you would
sing a song about christopher columbus
him i don't think it's right idon't think it's right at all and it's it's
if the kid you know
and poll numbers have been circulating that ninety nine percent of political
donations from teachers
r_d_ democrats and one percent of republicans
i have no idea about whether those numbers are exactly right they might be
even if they were true eight doesn't mean that teachers are doing anything
wrong necessarily if their teaching math it's okay if they're donating to
barackobama alert or howard dean instead of george w_ bush and whoever else
as long as it's not interfering with how they teach math
hat you know george has an i_q_ of one hundred brock's like he was one thirty
find the difference between their i_q_s i don't know how you would in in inject
politics into math as long as it's not being done i don't care about the
political donations
something about these sons seems just to be very disturbing that i i don't like
it one bit
we're going for school you know uh... teachers were always at some point
you find out their political alignment one way or another but not a lot an
elementary school not right
right now i'm going to school on a high school and every time the you know such
and such as a republican representative dan yeah you know and i think of all the
things that
that apartments where there were doctor offensive out
for example the school speech no i think that was great i think this is uh...
this is something that they have a right to broke for a fit of i'd believe you're
absolutely right well the comments about iraq obama being racist and more
track franks is a congressman republican congressman from arizona says obama is
the enemy of humanity
based on abortion here's what he had said
obama's first actors president consequence
in the middle of a financial meltdown was to send taxpayers' money overseas
to date for the killing of unborn children in the country
now i gotta tell ya president will do that
there's almost nothing that you should be surprised that
uh... t_v_ show we shouldn't be shocked because all these other insane things a
president that has lost his way that bad
nobody has seen the image of god in the short fellow human beings if he can't do
that right
then he has no place in east asian governments everyone realizes
okay i got home after his in enemy of humanity
it's it's it's complete endearing to escalate just that the made up stuff
about barack obama
and i don't know whether we can expect it to continue or not but what is ways
we probably can what is striking to me
is complete silence from other republicans in denouncing the sky
not that anyone will carry year from now what congressman trent franks said about
but this this is the same guy who said
president obama could solve this problem and make the birth is back off by simply
showing us his long-form birth certificate not the short form lewis
the short form proves nothing we need to see
that long-form birth certificate
republicans asylum
some democrats do condemn statements made that don't make any sense but there
that there's a lot of silence as well
an interest in the last couple of weeks mike huckabee said obama style
healthcare might've made kennedy
take pain pills and died after he passed away
congresswoman jean schmidt told the birth there i'd greer with u aditi party
what can we do there's a lot of silence
somebody should just come out and announce the sky i mean this is a member
of congress at long last