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In the name of the Italian people The Supreme Court has issued Public hearing the criminal
case number 27884/2013 subscribed at number 8 public hearing of July 30, 2013 the following
decision: rejects the appeals of Agrama Frank, Gabriella
Galetto, Lorenzano Daniel, who ordered to pay the costs.
Cancel the contested judgment against Silvio Berlusconi limited to ruling the sentence
accessory temporary interdiction for 5 years from holding public office for violation of
Article 12, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 10 March 2000, number 74 and has transmitted
the acts to another section of the Court of Appeal of Milan to decide additional punishment
within the time limits laid down by the said Article 12, in accordance with Article 133
of the Criminal Code, the Court is not permitted assessment of legitimacy. Dismisses the remainder
of the action of Berlusconi against which declares, pursuant to Article 624, subsection
2, Code of Criminal Procedure, irrevocable all other parts of the contested judgment.
Condemns all defendants, jointly and severally, to pay to the plaintiff, Inland Revenue, expenses
incurred in this by the same degree of judgment, paid in a total of € 5 thousand, as well
as accessories as per law. The public hearing is completed.