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I have to plan, like selling all this ...
Looks like we will sell bibles man!
the other leg ... I throw ... as a real shingles
I let go, and you realize that your arms are ...
Okay, okay, okay nothing happens! no fear!
ninja!!, a ninja (LAUGH)
Where? NO LIE ALL!
This man has a happy face rebbes, jhe! ... I mean look!
(Speech in English) ... reposession got paper on this car! -Hell no!
But it's like the "Cleimot"
... No, the other one!
Hey, good to everyone here "WillyRex" commenting ...
Okay, what's the plan?
We're back with ...
A laser, and that guy?
Hey, good to everyone here "WillyRex" commenting ...
I think I see a small head! clear!
has been before ... the dog man!
What you say, but skype?
The audio from skype!
(Talk in English) Do you need know more?
"http://www.youtube.com/user/Willyrex" "http://www.youtube.com/user/TheWillyrex"