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\f0\b\fs20 \cf0 Kristin Joos:\'a0 \b0 I grew up here in the Gainesville community
and I lived on the NW and SW sides of town. And so I was largely unaware of the poverty
and the realities of many people who live on the east side of town even though it\'92s
just a few minutes away. \f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 \'a0 \f1\b0\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Brittney Beck: \b0 \'a0Today, we are working on a home repair
project and specifically weatherization. \f1\fs26 \
\f0\fs20 \'a0 \f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Emily Whitehead:\'a0 \b0 We\'92re starting to dig out a trench
for a French drain such that, so, um, that the siding on the building will stop rotting.
\f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 \'a0 \f1\b0\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Kristin Joos: \b0 \'a0The purpose of the Young Entrepreneurs
for Leadership and Sustainability: Gainesville Summer Service Project is to give local students
the opportunity to complete 100 hours of community service.
\f1\fs26 \
\f0\fs20 \'a0 \f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Brittney Beck:\'a0 \b0 Not only, um, take them to do, or, do
community service with them during the summer, but we have guest speakers come in to talk
about entrepreneurship in the context of non-profit organizations.
\f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 \'a0 \f1\b0\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Emily Whitehead:\'a0 \b0 This last year at school I took, um, environmental
sciences and it got me really interested in helping people who needed to save the extra
money and adding an economic perspective to it.
\f1\fs26 \
\f0\fs20 \'a0 \f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Brittney Beck: \b0 \'a0If we are able to change the habits
and mind sets of the high school students it\'92s our hope that that will trickle through
their community and more, and they will be able to speak to more and more people about
their experience with sustainability issues. And ultimately, um, hopefully develop a passion
and then have the entrepreneur skills to know how to address that issue.
\f1\fs26 \
\f0\fs20 \'a0 \f1\fs26 \
\f0\b\fs20 Kristin Joos: T \b0 hrough the service they are doing able
to understand how they can make a difference in our local community.}