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I am France
We’re gonna have a fun night.
I would like to talk about myself because I am a beautiful, beautiful country.
Human name is Francis Bonnefoy.
My Eiffel Tower is bigger than—
Big Ben.
I guess Big Ben is not so big.
26 years old.
Actually I’m 23, tell your friends I’m 23.
Actually tell your friends I’m 21.
I was invited.
Not so much invited as so much I sort of just barged in, but
invited sounds prettier.
I get censored a lot.
So if you wanna see more of me, you should probably read the manga.
Not as child friendly.
I mean, just because I like to...
Sometimes I take off my clothes...
But there’s nothing wrong with that, there’s a ROSE in the way.
Ravish it...
And everybody likes roses.
You LOVE it...
I will behave.
Also I want to tell you that I am an amazing chef, very fierce.
Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!
I also believe that countries can be French territories and I don’t think its an insult, I think it’s a great thing and I think it’s something that’s worth mentioning.
If you are an English territory, start smocking; kill those taste buds if you want to survive, because that guy doesn’t know how to cook.
My ideal summer day would be…
So tasty.
Beautiful women...
and crave you.
No clothing...
It’ll just be ahhngg!
Nude beaches.
What are we going to do with this whole global warming thing? I mean, it’s a problem for me because
I can’t have my beautiful people like running around naked and then just having
CANCER and stuff, that’s horrible!
People say that I’m a quitter but I’m not
I'm just fashionably gone.
The British call it "being fashionably late." And I call it, "being fashionably Buh-bye."
Come on! We're French!
It's not a problem when you leave in style.