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How to Write a Children's Picture Book. Learn to write a children's picture book with these
hints to enthrall and delight your own. You will need Research Practice Imagination Literary
devices Illustrator Friends and kids (optional). Step 1. Research writing techniques and learn
how to create a beginning, middle and end to a story. Analyze structural concepts and
practice writing constantly. Children's book categories are typically 2 to 6 years old;
6 to 10; and 10 and over. Step 2. Plan on writing 25 to 28 pages on a universal theme.
You can craft more complexity in plot and language depending on the age of your audience.
Step 3. Work to make the words vivid and pleasing to the ear. Don't simply describe what the
pictures show. Imagine what the pictures will be like, even sketching a few for the artist
you select to illustrate. Step 4. Develop character, setting, plot, conflict, and action.
Make each page invite curiosity. Try your story on your own children or those of friends
to test their reactions, confusion, desires, or likes and dislikes. Step 5. Use devices
like alliteration, rhyme, and word play. Make it easy for them to remember through regular
repetition. Step 6. Look at work from a wide range of illustrators to determine who best
understands and creates the tone, character, and emotion of your tale. Step 7. Read your
book aloud to make sure it sounds right, and that the rhythm agrees with you. Have someone
else read it aloud for you as well. Did you know Theo Walcott, the 20-year-old English
soccer phenomenon, signed a deal in 2009 to write a series children's books on his career.