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Jared: We don't have rely on advertising, commercials
in order to put on the event.
We don't have to ask permission.
Max: Right.
Jared: We can just do it.
Jared: And that's so great.
Jared: We can have that voice in a really high quality way.
(bouncy music)
Voiceover: They are artists, innovators and media pioneers.
Famous names that are challenging the status quo.
This is Acting Disruptive.
(upbeat music)
Jared: This is the Church of Mars, welcome.
(upbeat music)
Jared: VrYT is a way for people like me to create live experiences
and broadcast them to the world.
An artists creates an artist page and then you would create an event,
you set an event date for it,
you set a price for your ticket.
Generally, our tickets are 9.99.
Then once people know about it,
they come and they make themselves a profile then that's it.
It's really simple and we're focused on keeping it simple.
Max: Yeah.
Jared: And keeping the point on a live experience
without, and this is the big one,
without commercials and advertising.
Max: It's amazing.
You mentioned that VyRT has been disruptive to the traditional sponsor model.
Jared: Our experience with livestreaming anything has been pretty horrible.
We had to put up with, you know, advertising and sponsorship
that wasn't really aligned with who we are.
So we decided to start our own company.
Called it VyRT and it worked.
People said,
"You know what?
"Okay, you're going to offer me something that is really special,
"unique, premium, a high quality experience,
"something really rich and valuable.
"Yeah, I'll pay for that."
(sung) The silver of a lake at night.
(sung) The hills of Hollywood on fire.
Max: I saw you guys have a laptop on stage.
Are you interacting with the fans?
Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jared: And we're testing all kinds of proprietary stuff with VrYT
so we learn a lot which is great.
There's an element there that's so unpredictable
that's what makes it exciting.
Okay, we're going to take 2 minutes
and we are going to reset real quick.
So, everything's going to go down so stay tuned.
Max: There were definitely some hiccups
in terms of the band with you guys were having,
but in seeing what the fans were posting online,
they were with you 150%.
Jared: Yeah, there's a lot of loyalty there.
I think that people understand we're trying to do something special.
We're breaking rules
and of course, when you do that things aren't perfect.
Are we all good with VrYT?
Is everything working good on VrYT?
But we've learned a lot.
We're a really small company.
We use 30 Seconds to Mars as a guinea pig for a lot of things
like we did yesterday,
we tried out this new proprietary realtime chat
that had all these really interesting functions
and it kind of fell flat on its face.
But you get back up and by the time we did the second event,
the big show with everybody, it was perfect.
and everything was beautiful.
(loud music)
Jared: Should we go take a peek at the folks over there at VrYT?
Max: Yeah, I would love to.
Max: Can we do that?
Max: Awesome.
(slow tempo music)
Max: So you do the technology here?
You do the design?
Jared: Everything is done in house here.
I think we all feel really excited
because what we're doing is working
and we have this sandbox, the plan where there's really,
it's fertile ground for a lot of users out there.
So, it's not like we're building something and there's crickets.
We have a 2-way conversation.
Building away then, building away.
Max: Do you keep them here through the night?
Are they allowed to go home?
Jared: No, no.
No one's ever allowed to go.
I mean if I had my way we'd all have bunk beds here.
Max: Yeah?
Are you guys fed, hydrated?
Voiceover: A little bit.
Jared: A little bit.
Max: It's pretty warm here.
Jared: Yeah, we don't have water cool.
We have one of those hamster things where you put your tongue on
and it just drips down.
(sipping sound)
Max: Just like that.
Jared: Yeah, exactly.
Max: I really appreciate your time.
Jared: Yeah, it's my pleasure.
It's fun to share this with people
pretty soon who'll start sharing this with other artists
and I can't wait to see what happens.
(bouncy music)