Rain of the daybreak I was going to steal out of depressed days looking for me in a mirror. I am empty in my heart like this room where you are not. I may surely forget you sometime. Sometime ... Do...
I was lonely, and I danced at that night when I met you. Club Music. Night stabbing. Want to join. Let's dance together. First Night. Under cover of darkness tonight with you. Your white skin...



♪♪♪ Welcome to Portland Community College Sylvania Campus Japanese program. And today, before anything else I would like to acknowledge our distinguished guest. And so if you would kindly stand as I...



Do that one again. Do that one again. What you enjoy most of when free running is when you feel the flow you don't really have to think about what you have to do it just happens and it becomes...
We perform this one in winter. When it's really, really cold. What I've figured is, that if I'll wait for it in Israel, I'll never get to perform this, right? So, why...
Hello, I'm Mitsuko, Baroque's stylist Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a trendy curly hair, called 'MIX maki Before getting started, it might be better to use some...

