Both: Long time no see. Ah Roth: How are you? Ah Keat: I'm great. Ah Beng... Ah Beng: You are... Ah Keat: I'm Ah Keat Ah Beng: Oh, Ah Keat! Ah Roth: It's Ah Keat la... Ah Beng,...



Hello everyone, I'm Amy Valentine's Day is coming I think many people are considering send what gift to their valentine So today i'm going to teach you make two simple things...



Oh oh Yeah Oh oh Yeah Oh oh Yeah Oh oh Every girl every boy they got your posters on their walls photographs autographs then you step out the door you will me the applause Paparazzi's hidding...
Hello everyone I'm Amy Valentine's Day has passed , but the weather is still very cold So I will teach you how to make a baked potato Yes! It's baked potato ! It is very easy...
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HI,你好,my name is Gary. Today,I'll tell you hoe to say I love you, and how to reply. If you wanna tell someone that you really like them, then you'll say: I love you means: 我愛你 我愛你...
Aom>> This is a bag, I made it by myself. Pavayut1>> Aom, pick a number from P' Ink. Aom>> No. 29 Audience>> Oh no....



各位同學好,今天來看一下 Poser 與 Photoshop 的結合運用。 這個部份我將分3節來說明 一般模型導入、細緻模導入與進階控制。 軟體版本操作有些許差異,請再另行發問。 首先,我們開啟一個已經製作好的Poser人物 各位可以在"素材"內尋找已經製作好的檔案 點選上方 Material 標籤 點一下模型的各部位,可以發現沒有貼圖 只有顏色,所以這個模型是...
字幕翻譯 Translation:Julian Fung 時間軸 Timeline:小藍 中文校對Proofreading(Chinese):Tomme Tam、喻穎勤 英文校對Proofreading(English):Nigel Collett 怎麼會是你  -甚麼 原來是你啊 How come you're here?  -What? It's you!...



Another type of majolica that we haven't talked much about is sand majolica. This is you can literally see the sand that is applied to the base of the piece of the majolica. It's very...