>> WAHBY: Medical Music Group is a group of medical people, healthcare professionals from all over the United States who have musical interest and abilities. When we started about 20...
What is this trick, O Amr? … They have duck a trench around the whole of Yathrib (Medinah). Save your anger, O Abu Sufyan. And fill this trench with your HATE to Muhammad, so that victory will be on...
MORSI SUPPORTERS ATTACK PROTESTORS TUESDAY DECEMBER 5 The man has done good things, he'll keep on doing them, and we're with him. Your kids argue sometimes at home but they...
The city Homs only accepts to be the capital of the revolution Its sons only accept to be mourned in dozens everyday And buried under its soil We announce the death of these three activists in Homs...
We have a phone call from a woman from Daraa ... Om Alla Alhariri Om Alaa! Welcome.... How do you do Madam Rayeda I am speaking from Daraa... Om Alaa I want to say that the liar "Abduall...
Bayynat presents Imam Al-Baqir, just as his father before him and his sons after him, used to answer people's question, and if they did not ask, he would start explaining without being asked...
O mother what the sky looks like? (ya omy ma shaklu assama) what is the light and what is the moon? (ma aldiya'ao wa ma alqamar) about their beauty you talk (be jamaliha tatahadathoon) but i...
- Mitä sinä haluat? - Se oranssilääke. - Mikä se on? - Siis appelsiinin värinen, joka auttaa kurkkukipuun. - Tarkoitatko strepsils? - En tiedä... se, lääke, jonka sait lääkäriltä. - Me emme vokalisoi...
If Movies were Real My dear Daughter the Time came to tell you the truth the truth is we're not your real parents your real father is Oghlo Bash the cutthroat He butchered your mother and...
Bayynat presents In these days, we commemorate the death anniversary of the truthful, infallible and purified Sayyeda Az-Zahraa, the Lady of the Two Worlds This woman whom her father described as...