Okay, let's talk about pi for a minute. You remember pi, right - number of times bigger a circle's circumference is than its diameter? It's a little more than three - we could...
Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I am here, with a friend of mine, Luca Lampariello. We are here, in Madrid, capital of Spain, and we want to have a chat about something I find very important,...
Why are we here again? Inspiration. Seriously, why are we here? Clears my head. Who are you? Legend. What else do you know about me? That you are lonely. Does it depress you... ...to know just how...
So this is a video about quitting bad habits. So I believe you can never replace a habit unless you find some alternative so when you have a bad habit. You can not just say stop completely one day...
Hi there! I don't normally do this on my channel but I've just found a great YouTube channel that may actually change people's lives. I kid you not. Below in the description of...
Meet Jeff. Jeff really finds it difficult to balance his time between his boss and his girlfriend. Jeff really wants to spend more time with his girlfriend. But each day the work seems to pile up...



The idea behind a microresolution is that it is a small and targeted behavioral change that you can actually sustain forever. In that sense it's sort of an anti-New Year's resolution....
Meet Joe. Living with the label of disability, his social network looks significantly different than most. Joe has his family. Just like most of us, at the end of the day, there's never enough...
JACOB SOBOROFF: Hey, it's Jacob. Today we've got Bonnie and Clyde minus Clyde, a human bowling ball, and the world's saddest chef. KEVIN MILES: I just happen to not have a...
>> Most young people are either studying or working a 9-5 job. >> The problem with our society nowadays is we get so focused on having a degree and then you get a degree...