You know how the time flies

Some better news with Team Netherlands... So far, the Netherlands has most number of medals in Sochi... with a total of 17. But-- you know... that 16 of those medals were won in just speedskating.....
Have you ever left fruit out on the counter just a little bit longer than you should have? It's starting to turn brown and smell a little over-ripe, and then the next thing you know,...
This next speaker for the session is Dr. Stephen Schaeffer. He's a professor in biology. Dr. Schaeffer is in exported molecular population genetics. His laboratory focuses on understanding the...
I heard that you're settled down. That you found a girl and you're married now. I heard that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you. Old friend,...
Exams are coming up I have to study, I'd rather be home chillin in my snuggie But study, study, study is all I hear While my friends are up at 3AM sipping on some beer Exams are coming up I...
No class could have prepared me for actual hands-on research. From the day Biology major, Lillian Forstall walked into this research lab at The University of Southern Mississippi, she had one focus:...
FIRE IN THE BRAIN Children watch me run through the streets, And wonder, what is it all about, my hurrying. My eyes push forward, Cause me to squint. Then all at once I break into a smile. And night...
01.Damn thieves! by TravelPod member vagabonderz 02.Yvonne after breakfast by TravelPod member vagabonderz 03.View from our campsite by TravelPod member vagabonderz 04.Fajitas and sangria by TravelPod...
Here, 75 km from the capital Santiago, is a unique patch of deserted natural land in the longest country in the world. It's where the best dance festival on the planet takes place. I'm...