Look at Robbie wearing his hat He used to be skinny but now he's fat. Joe, Joe; he's got curly hair Oh yeah his mum looks like a bear. Look at Stafford, he's got a gap But at...
Uh. Yo! No watch, no suit, no diamond rings. I haven't got money and I am no king. I haven't got gold and the fancy things, what I say doesn't matter if I ain't got...
Hey man, what's up? You sounded really upset on the phone earlier. I think Melissa is cheating on me. What would make you think that? And why would she, you're a great boyfriend to...
“As the result of a childhood wish, John Bennett’s teddy bear, Ted, came to life and has been by John’s side ever since – a friendship that’s tested when Lori, John’s girlfriend of four years, wants...
Hey babe, I was thinking about something. If it's about that adult pajama party, I already told you I am not ok wearing a onesie in public. Ugh, no not that. Oh, ok what is it? I was thinking...
We're at that time of summer when I've got these mixed feelings about the time of summer. You know, when it's about two weeks 'till school starts up again, and...
Hey, Brian! What's happening? Well, I'm doing alright, I guess... but my company's website is just is not ranking as highly as it should. What's the matter?...
♪ Men. ♪ ANNOUNCER (over TV): You don't have to be a prisoner of depression. Unlock the door of darkness and despair, and step into the sunlight with Lumitrol. If you're taking an MAO...