Hi, this is Laura Turner and today we're going to talk about how to write a research paper proposal. This is probably one of the most important parts of writing your research paper. This is...
MALE SPEAKER: Today's question comes from Phoenix, Arizona. Ben Holland asks-- "Should I write content that is easier to read or more scientific? Will I rank better if I write for 6th...
So I have the series-- negative 5/3 plus 25 over 6 minus 125 over 9 plus-- and it just keeps going on and on and on forever. So this right over here is an infinite sum or an infinite series, and what...
Hi, my name is Mike Mitchell, and today I'd like to explain how to write an essay. In writing an essay, there are three basic parts. There's an introduction, the body of the essay, and...
Video: #3: Tips for Post Graduate Writing: Chapter 2: Literature Review. [Video transcript] Hello and welcome back! My name is Dr. Cheryl Lentz, owner of The Refractive Thinker® Press and tonight we...



Fractions are a way to represent parts of a whole number. Suppose you cut a pizza into 8 slices. Each slice is a part, or fraction, of the whole pizza. You and your friends eat 7 slices. The 1 slice...
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Video: #3: Tips for Post Graduate Writing: Chapter 3: Research Methodology Hello and welcome back! My name is Dr. Cheryl Lentz, owner of The Refractive Thinker® Press and today our focus is on...
okay hello welcome to this writing rescue presentation. Today we are going to talk about how to format an MLA research paper so we're gonna jump right in here and what is MLA format? Well MLA...
Hi. My name is Pat Goodwin with PatGoodwinAssociates.com. Today we are going to talk about writing a resume for teenagers. Teenagers are always looking for jobs, but they want to project themselves...

