Well it's a great pleasure to be in this venue. I don't know if I've ever spoken in such a remarkable venue before. I hope to do it justice. What my topic today is nothing less...
(music) I picked up a leaflet at a public event in about 1993 and this leaflet said, "There are millions of slaves in the world today." And I thought, "No way." But...



Hi loves! All the snow is gone and the rain has returned to Bergen. But anyway, I have 8 new totally amazing gift wrapping ideas to share. I stayed away from the Christmas theme, so these techniques...
-Ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the Evatt Foundation welcome to this address by distinguished Canadian author John Ralston Saul. My name is Monica Wheeler and I am the secretary of the Evatt...
-(APPLAUSE) -Good evening. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the Sydney Opera House, to the Joan Sutherland Theatre, just named quite recently, I believe, in honour of Joan Theatre....
I finished school in Ivanovo. It is my native town, 300 kilometers from Moscow. I didn’t have any particular choice in the matter of where to go after school, because my mother, and my father, and my...
I remember exactly what I didn't want to be: I didn't want to be a teacher. I had a clear rejection of this activity, and yet it has finally caught up with me and grabbed me. Since...



Self Employment ideas i a m i'm speaking you guys live from la mirada California and we have a lot of guests nationwide we have joe behar our uh... careers p dot and and we have a hobby air...