Today, with social media and a lot of role models, there's a lot more awareness that kids can do just about anything. We have an African-American president. There's an African-American...
My name is Charles Doxley. I work at the NASA Glenn Research Center for the avionics division. I'm an electronics engineer, and I work for the compatibility test sets project. I have a...
Inner space I'm type O but I live Like a type A I'm sorry to those ones who I met just because I was lonely I didn't have any more love To give you, but you are Not too bad...



>> Well, I've been working with [inaudible] pretty much since the beginning of my career back in 1985. Back then, Space Station was in Phase B, and we were young engineers...
[Josh] Hi TV I'm here at 1071 South Orange Grove in Pasadena California. The exact location where famed rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons allegedly blew himself up in a chemical...
>> In addition to all of the experiments that the astronauts take part in on board the International Space Station, there are occasionally opportunities for students on the ground to...
The Kepler space telescope has undoubtedly been one of the most important space missions humanity has ever launched. Scanning a tiny patch of the night sky for the tell tale dips in light as a planet...
>> Houston Station on "Space to Ground". >> Josh Byerly: Welcome to "Space to Ground". I'm Josh Byerly. The Space Station crew...



We always started work:space off to be a missional venture. It was always about engagement with a group that people have called the spiritual but not religious, those who are exploring spirituality...