Alright here is the setup: I have a rifle mounted vertically and we're going to shoot a bullet into this block, right into the middle of it. So obviously the block is going to go flying into...
the observer which is a British publication had an article by a columnist named Henry Porter this guy called for an international intervention into the United States gone epidemic is an amazing like...
For the man who won't settle for anything less than perfection Benchmark's collection of titanium rings offers unparalleled quality and style. is an authorized...
Hi guys it's me of course it's me Cailey and I just wanted to say that on September 15th it's gonna be my birthday. So if you'd like to send any any any any any thing...
When I was a kid, the idea honey kinda grossed me out. I always thought of it as "bee spit". I'm putting 15 milliliters of organic, local honey in this test tube....
Say good-bye to flat hourly rates for paint materials and start submitting estimates that reflect your actual costs! Mitchell Refinishing Materials Calculator -- RMC -- helps you create more accurate...
Hi guys, my name is Daniel Welcome to Sci-Tech Discovery Center Today we're going to be making a car frame just like this I'm going to tell you about the materials that we need, but...
Hello and welcome! today I show you The Godfather Trilogy the wooden Box-Set from Australia first I show you the wooden box very clean, only a Colt at the front cover it's a golden print...
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Hi, it's Destinee from FateofDestinee. So, I spent this weekend out with some friends. So, I didnt' get the chance to shoot the M9 at the range just yet, but i will be going tomorrow...