Hello, I'll just give you a little tip: Don't even try to decipher what's on my apron. I haven't succeeded at it either. I will put images to my words, I will...
Hello, I'm Jules. I wrote a new blog entitled "The Art of Handling Feedback." My reason for choosing this subject? Because I had undergone a long journey- (hopefully a longer...



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The first-day film production of Robert Hoskin's first-ever new feature-length deaf comedy movie, "TWO IS TOO MANY", filmed entirely without sound recording at Hastings,...
Stop! Stop! What are you doing here lady? Sir, this man has no job. It's said that if he offers god 108 coconuts, he will get a job. Do you see these beggars lady? They have been here for...
I am responsible for training the women both with men in most of the activities. For example the income generating projects, we are implimenting pass-on loans which include the pigary, goat and also...
Before joining Humana People to People I was a teacher by profession. So I have noticed that I had a good number of relatives who were perishing because of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. So I decided to be a...