bjbjD Hi! It s time for a DFH with Ruthie Oberg. When William the Conqueror, the ruthless and harsh Norman ruler of England died in 1087 he son William Rufus was quick to seize the throne....
There is an adaptation of the play The Skin of our Teeth, which we did a production of in Washington. We called it Over and Over, and we didn’t do it right. We had a lot of work to do on it, but we...
It was odd when we did The Rink, it was very much with Chita in mind when we finally got it, and the part of her daughter, Angel, was really not the first lead. It was a big part, but it was a second...
It was a very messy thing. There was an organization called New Musicals, and it was a great idea, and they made a deal with the theatre up at Purchase, New York, so we could have the theatre and work...
Primero de Enero 2013 Kilisha una villa en los alrededores de ciudad del cabo una cocina de kerocen se cae algunas horas despues las casas de 400 personas fueron destruidas y 5 personas perdieron sus...
My Zombie Girlfriend Well, now I'm officially a dork. In the movies, it's always so easy the guy hands her a flower and she falls in love am I the only one who has these problems? I...
Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. Daycare, written by L. Chan. Narrated by Kellie Fitzgerald. I still can't get what happened last week out of my head. I mean, it doesn't fit together at...
Well we only did it once. It was an exercise in vanity. I was at Fred’s house for dinner, and there were some other guests there, and we were boasting about how fast we write. This was fairly early...
This is the music I have selected for the Christmas play. (Begins playing Fur Elise) What kind of Christmas music is that? Beethoven Christmas music. What has Beethoven got to do with Christmas?...

