(Ring) Snake: This is Snake... ...Hello? Peppy: HEAVY BREATHING! Snake:... Wait... What the hell? Why'd you say 'Heavy breathing'? Peppy: I'm just doing what the damn...



The next thing I want to discuss is what a Measure is. A measure is, in music notation, is a segment of time and it's define, for formal definition, the number of beats for a given duration....



So the now we have this little buddy, and I just f**** up this is it... and that's all Oh! Poppy Bros! quite forgot the name It has been ages since I played a **** Kirby Videogame, so I should...



Kirby's Return to Dreamland ! It's an excellent game. Graphics and music are very nice. The gameplay didn't change a bit. Aside from the appearence of the Super Inhale....



Hi, I'm Gary for Expert Village. As we mentioned before, when applying effects to images, we don't want to apply it to the original image or the single layer that is, that exists in...
Okay we're going to start with another type of sunrise or sunset. You really can't tell the difference unless you know and you're actually there that it's, you know,...
Semi Opaque and Opaque glasses. Opaque, if you do not already know, means that it does not allow light through or very much light through, but semi. So, that is what we are going to be looking at. I...
thank you today it great pleasure uh... incase brian campbell later for pocket uh... network monthly yes kacie hackett yet mission often said that separate okay until uh... right now however we are...
This one is an oldie but a goodie, and a lot of you know it already but for those of you don't, again this is a catch-up to get everyone on the same page. Every tool in Photoshop has a letter...
Galaxies spend most of their lives drifting through the cosmic expanse in isolation. But, every so often, two unfortunate galaxies stray just a little too close to one another, as was the case with...