When i was in the states

Sunrise view from the ferry by TravelPod member pmf1153 Madison Falls, Olympic NP by TravelPod member pmf1153 Sunrise view from the ferry by TravelPod member pmf1153 In old growth forest near Lake...
Hi, everyone. All right. I don’t have anything at the top, so Matt, let’s get to what’s on your mind. You have nothing at the top? I don’t have anything at the top. All right. Well, let’s start with...
AMBASSADOR RUSSELL: Good morning, everyone. Mrs. Obama, Deputy Secretary Higginbottom, all of your excellencies with us today, distinguished guests, it's my pleasure to welcome all of you to...
MODERATOR: Hello, everyone. Good afternoon. Could I have your attention? Thank you. We're about to get started. Just a few quick announcements. A reminder, today's meeting is on the...