It is truly an honor to be among you this afternoon. For you are reinventing our political universe. You have renewed our collective passion. You have reminded us that it is still possible to build...
derrick rose obviously setup that the entire year for the chicago bulls liam discussed ad nauseam until i do support about this number abigail avi wash it was written a boats the washington bullets...



The United States says the main focus of its North Korea policy in the new year will continue to be the denuclearization of the regime. At a regular press briefing Thursday, local time,... U.S. State...
If you've been waiting far too long for a lover to pop the question, perhaps its best to look away now. For this is the most expensive diamond ever to go under the hammer. That's what...
i love the story because it gives you great insight into how politics works in that on for sales of the business community works at times so it's not a cantina and it's about some bold...
- Huh. -Yeah. l met 'em at an EPA in Brooklyn. And, you know, theywas doin' business and brought me home and stuff. and the rest is what happened, man. Yeah. That's when my...
I studied Shakespeare as an undergrad at Berkeley in the English department and when I graduated I went straight into the English Ph.D. program there, where I studied Shakespeare for 6 more years. I...
out west alan watts was speaking to a group of aging white conservatives and he wants to get them to understand the situation that's affecting black america and so he suggested at the visit...
now we get to one of my favorite stories in a long time so cara uh... walk was going on with you yes i'll have you know the other day we heard about this man was dressed as a good of course...
so the latest a apparently culpable actor in the navy or shooting not Aaron Alexis it's not for shock come to use in the facility use to carry out those killings %uh it turns out it's...