Previously on Warehouse 13... Thank you for remembering our appointment. Artie! How could you possibly have survived? The Phoenix? Harriet Tubman's thimble-- it was me? Mrs. Frederic, it was me. The...
Previously on Warehouse 13... We have competition. MacPherson. Who? Leena, I know him. He was Joshua's physics Professor, Professor Reynolds. The Phoenix. Those who touch the Phoenix, they will be...
A long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away... What are you talking about? Well, uh, it's the-- from the beginning of Star Wars. But this is a show about Christmas. It's not about space. They have...
Previously on Warehouse 13... Claudia, your sister is alive. Nick broke into the Warehouse and released a guy named Paracelsus. Paracelsus was Caretaker of Warehouse 9. (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - (GRUNTS)...
Your sister, she's an incredibly dangerous woman! What happened to Claire? The music box, it infected her. It was destroyed, so we had no artifact to neutralize. The only solution was to put Claire in...
Previously on Warehouse 13... What'd that have to do with me being pregnant? Well, I've been thinking, you know, am I ever gonna have a family? When it happens for real, I think that you'll make a...
Previously on Warehouse 13... I love you, little sister, and I am counting on you to fix all of this. You love me, and I love you. It's simple. It's just that your life is filled with excitement and...
Previously on Warehouse 13... That's an artifact from Warehouse 12. Something about mind control? I thought there was just one of those. Very good, gentlemen. What is Benedict Valda doing here? He...
Help me, God! Someone! Hello, Ducky! Hello, Jack! Big bad Jack the Ripper is not used to a woman who puts up a fight, is he? Running away is no way to treat a lady. Never let it be said, that old Jack...
Previously on Warehouse 13... Mr. Lattimer, my name's Frederic. What's that? An invitation to endless wonder. - No! - Aah... [Earth rumbling] H.G. Wells was a formidable opponent. She fooled us all....