Released on Christmas Day, and directed by the one-and-only Steven Spielberg, this feel good war-epic stars Jeremy Irvine as a young Briton who falls in love with a plucky thoroughbred horse named...
To all the individuals - Allah is the Greatest It will be liberated only by the hand of the believers Israel has toppled We are at your service Nasrallah The time of victories has begun and the time...
i find it fast and last night animus in d_c_ racial mato are just basically laid out the case for a war crimes trial against george w_ bush dick cheney uh... devils flights and donald rumsfeld and...
Now House is a very exciting project because this will be the first project in Canada that takes an existing house and turns it into a near zero energy house. On an annual basis this house will...
when are we going to start the war-crimes trials we just on this yesterday now that we know the the extent of the involvement in iraq and i would add afghanistan to that somehow that story in the...
today march nineteenth is the anniversary it was tonight it was arguably march twenty s on the calendar in iraq but it was the night of marsh nineteenth that for us here the united states that the...
On June the 5th, 1967, Israeli forces launched an all out attack on Arab forces in the Sinai Desert, and so began the Six Day War. Tension between Israel and her Arab neighbours had been growing for...