The Earth Physics Institute of Paris is a higher education and research establishment. The research institute is represented by: 14 teams and 3 observatories, and is associated with the CNRS....
Tin Tua - Decentralized rural electrification We have just arrived in Kogodou, a small town with a few thousand souls in Eastern Burkina, 130 km from fada N’Gourma. We are going to visit a project...
The Earth Physics Institute of Paris is a higher education and research establishment. The research institute is represented by: 14 teams and 3 observatories, and is associated with the CNRS. -Geo-...
Hi! My name is Wagner Alegretti I am the President of the IAC The International Academy of Consciousness The International Academy of Consciousness We are a volunteer-based non-profit organization...
(Musique et applaudissements)one chouchou de Belle et Bum et ce soir, on la reçoit sans le bum, c'est Mélissa Lavergne! (Applaudissements) ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Bonsoir Mélissa. - Bonsoir Pénélope. - Que...
Hello Maud Sejournant, how are you? Hello Lilou, extremely well, in Santa Fe... In Santa Fe, from Santa Fe to France, it's extraordinary, long live technology... Yes, absolutely... You have a...
The world is in shock: We are facing the biggest ever-before seen Internet bug. Gentlemen, we're up shit creek. We've been insuring Internet security for 20 years and the day we most...
Hello, my name is Célestin, I'm 16 years old. Today, I've left school to create a startup,  launch my project, launch a company! Rest assured, I'm not the next Bill Gates  or...



Batiment a droite du taj by TravelPod member mikela C est a tomber par terre... by TravelPod member mikela C est beau by TravelPod member mikela De toute beautee by TravelPod member mikela Il y a plus...