Olhe as habilidades daquele músico... - Oi. - Oi. Sou a Loren. Muito prazer. Pessoal, essa é a Sophie Williams, uma aluna de intercâmbio do Reino Unido. - Tipo cãozinho... - De nada. DO ACLAMADO...



PAIIS Action Program for Equality and Social Inclusion. Hi, my name is Andrea Parra, I am the Director of the Action Program for Equality and Social Inclusion. We are a human rights clinic that is...
War Sum Up is a large war-machine that spits out voice, music and images It's a music-performance Music. Manga. Machines. It's a performance with 12 singers who sing about war. They...
Happy who like Ulysses had a nice journey While at home, Penelope... Very well-behaved, is waiting, waiting, waiting... ...for her husband's return. Yes, but when? At what time? And in how...
In fact, it's the kitten, Marilyn The kitten wasn't there I knew because I didn't hear the "ding ding" You know... He had put something around its neck...
We send each other 20-25 text messages a day I'd say "Come on, let's go hitchhiking to Miami Beach" He'd come right now 2 seconds and a quarter and...
You're smoking a lot. Compared to last time. I smoked as much then. I love to smoke. Smoking a cigarette is like forgetting. When I hit rock bottom it's all I have. Light up, smoke up,...
Diary of a cinephile girl le video cast I think .. What a Shitty voice I have no idea The video is something like. The video makes you feel Godard It have something Excuse me... There you go,...
(Applaudissements) Sa vie a de quoi rendre jaloux n'importe quel fan des Beatles. Voici Geneviève Borne! (Applaudissements) La preuve qu'on ne somme pas la mêême personne : nous...
(Musique et applaudissements)one chouchou de Belle et Bum et ce soir, on la reçoit sans le bum, c'est Mélissa Lavergne! (Applaudissements) ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Bonsoir Mélissa. - Bonsoir Pénélope. - Que...