CLFoAIx MINeNGws O CUThaRInnelT@ THERE REALLY WASN'T ANY FRAUD ws BE OF CONCEFoRNx TNeOws Cha@ , FaBUirT a WndE B WalERanEceO , Fa IT MOREFox News D ChaFInnC@ ir aTHndOS BEalancedH@EOPLEs el C...
Matt in Lake Geneva Wisconsin a mat thanks to listen to the CPT page am i you know i great you don't want to pay off the loan debt all no I do not why I wall for a for a number number of...
If you’re a college student, chances are you’re paying fees to your student government association. How well do you know the students who are spending your money? The EveryVote Facebook app is...
spring wife's thing that happened this weekend the pope said something which for the pope yes he said today said it today yeah on his %uh flight back from Brazil he was doing interviews a big...
[first notes of "The Star-Spangled Banner" play] [energetic percussive music] - This is not a voter ID bill. This is voter suppression. It's voter disenfranchisement. This is...
I'm a mum, I'm a grandma and I've worked as a polling official for the last 20 years. I'm a 36 year old Aboriginal man. I'm a disability pensioner. I had 11...
Jennifer Brunner: Once the governor signed the bill the clock begin ticking Petee Talley: We had to get those signatures in like, 72 days. Greg Moore: It was a race against the clock! News anchor: The...
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in Jinja minsky here for Thom Hartmann on the best of the rest of Science in green news you need to know this the next report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is due at the end of...
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